Reflections and conceptions about the study of the private law
Private Law, concepts and methods of dogmatic of private law, State of Law, private autonomy, private contract, economic globalization, general interest, private interest, national legal field, global or transnational legal fieldAbstract
The study and application of law, in general, and of Private Law, in particular, require the lawyer questioning and ongoing reflection on the concepts and methods of the same, considering the social, political, economic, historical and cultural in which it operates this discipline, not forgetting the importance that also has, at present, analysis of the legal field at local, national and global acceptance requiring the participation of new agents, processes and practices that are taking place in the ongoing struggle define what is right and who give that law. The configuration of the concepts and methods for the study of dogmatic of Private Law, in the current national and global context, you must go, as inescapable, for the consideration of a Social and Democratic State of Law, which requires the protection of fundamental rights of collective values and, ultimately, the public interest. As well, the reflections on the impact of a market economy, involving the participation of new agents, changes in the configuration of private legal relations and the plurality of sources that are present in the emergence and development of these relations.
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