The role of the research institutes and centers in the patent activity at Antioquia.
patent activity, patents, innovation, investigation centers and institutes, corporationsAbstract
In this paper we identified the invention and utility model patents, solicited and granted to the persons and the legal entities at Antioquia, in the period 1998 to 2010, by the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Superintendence of Industry and Trade), SIT, and some international patents offices, like the United States Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO, and the European Patent Office EPO. At last we concluded, by one side that at Antioquia, like a reflection of the Colombian reality, we found a poor patent activity because we aren’t making an appropriated use of the patent system. But that doesn’t shows a low invention levels or innovation, whenever does exist another mechanisms that can be used to defend new creations. On the other hand, we have identify that the principals in the patent activity runs by count of the research institutes and centers public and private, that has been displaced the corporations that pulls the development and innovation, before.
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