The fiscal federalism and the decentralization process at Colombia.


  • María Helena Franco Vargas Universidad EAFIT
  • Felipe Andrés Cristancho Escobar Universidad de Antioquia



fiscal federalism, fiscal decentralization, territorial public finances


This article tries to establish how the economic theory of fiscal federalism has influenced in the process of Colombian fiscal decentralization. The text is divided into two parts: the first part explains the economic approach of fiscal federalism; and the second one, analyzes the most important rules of fiscal decentralization, since 1968 to 2011, in order to identify essential characteristics of fiscal federalism. The article concludes that even if the tax reform of the last forty years have been influenced by technical missions that made recommendations based on fiscal federalism, can’t be said that the legislatives changes obeys strictly to this economical approach. This because in the Colombian decentralization the emphasis is not exclusively to give fiscal autonomy to the different territorial authorities, but the redistribution of income and wealth through transfers to finance social costs as health and education.

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Author Biographies

María Helena Franco Vargas, Universidad EAFIT

Master's degree in law and economics from the University of Buenos Aires, specialist in economics from the University of the Andes, lawyer from the University of Medellín. Professor at the EAFIT University School of Law.

Felipe Andrés Cristancho Escobar, Universidad de Antioquia

Graduated from the Law program of the University of Antioquia, professor of the Economic Law Area of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the same university, member of the research seedbed in Law and Economics of the Law School of the EAFIT University .


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How to Cite

Franco Vargas, M. H., & Cristancho Escobar, F. A. (2012). The fiscal federalism and the decentralization process at Colombia. Estudios De Derecho, 69(154), 235–262.