The relevance of judicial facts evaluation in assignment liability for punitive damages


  • María Agustina Otaola Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Law of torts, Facts, punitive damages, jurisprudence


This article addresses the relevance ofjudicial appreciation of the facts as a determining factor for liability attribution of punitive damages. By analyzing a sentence from the province of Córdoba, Argentina, is evidenced an aspect often delayed in the studies of disagreements in Argentina’s doctrine and jurisprudence regarding the admissibility of punitive damages as a mean of prevention and punishment of serious misconduct

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Author Biography

María Agustina Otaola, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Faculty of Law and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Otaola, M. A. (2013). The relevance of judicial facts evaluation in assignment liability for punitive damages. Estudios De Derecho, 70(155), 339–355.