Possible experiences of democracy and active citizenship in 21st century





neoliberalism, participation, citizenship, liquid democracy, focus Groups


Due to the current socio-legal situation in Spain, this work has the aim to raise some ideas about the relationship between government and citizen participation on those socio-political issues that affect them. In this way it has been necessary to remark the deterioration of the Spanish Constitution against neoliberalism whose consequences lead to the necessary rethinking of the Constitution’s content. If on one handtheclassicalconceptsofdemocracyare far away froman active and strong citizen participation,on the other hand, some elements of participatory democracy which were bypassed due to an apparentsocialwelfare,are now back again to the escenary.To all of this, now is added the increasing lypresence of interesting ideas like “liquid democracy” which after the entry of Spain in to the 2.0 era, it seems to represent a usefultoolto popular sovereignty. Finally we want to highlight the role of the Lisbon Treaty as a potential tool of political construction in Europe.

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Author Biography

Gabriele Vestri, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

law School


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How to Cite

Vestri, G. (2014). Possible experiences of democracy and active citizenship in 21st century. Estudios De Derecho, 71(157), 157–182. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.esde.21661