Characteristics of the natural gas market in Colombia: Analysis of free competency conditions




Market, Public Services, competition, oligopoly, monopoly, abuse of dominant position, unfair competition, anti-competitive practices


The existence of a market system sheltered by the rules of free competition with some restrictions and limitations given by the legislator and the regulator, put forward the need to verify the dynamic that is recorded as part of this reality in the face of sanctions and investigations against law domestic natural gas sector in Colombia have occurred since 2002 to date. Behaviors that generate above market players have consequences that affect competition law constitutionally-guaranteed, injuring finally to service users. An analysis of market conditions for natural gas in Colombia (public residential tied to the achievement of objectives of the rule of law) is done in this article from the sanctions and investigations to date have been taken against companies involved in the sector.

In order to address the acts that limit and restrict competition and the functioning of the market is necessary to analyze the sector characteristics recorded. The backgrounds are fundamental pillar of this study to identify the actors involved and the condition thereof they do. From this descriptive exercise, it is possible to approach a study of anti-competitive practices and unfair competition arising in the sector from the year 2002 on the basis of the decisions rendered by the Superintendent of Public Services and now the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, in investigations against companies.

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Author Biography

Andrea Alarcón Peña, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada - Universidad San Buenaventura de Bogotá

Research Line in Private Law
law School


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How to Cite

Alarcón Peña, A. (2014). Characteristics of the natural gas market in Colombia: Analysis of free competency conditions. Estudios De Derecho, 71(157), 283–306.