Analysis of the Colombian legal system about the foreign commercial societies with reference to private international law


  • José Luis Marín Fuentes Universidad de Antioquia



sending, lex fori, lex loci, celebrationis, foreign society, citizenship, extraterritoriality, supervision of societies, local law


This article approachesthe foreign commercialsocieties with seat in Colombia, from the private international law perspective. It shows ambiguities when a valuation is made because they are studied only from the internal point of view, it means, without considering the international law elements that they content. Therefore they should have a different regulation if the purpose is to put under its control and its functioning to the Colombian legal system.

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Author Biography

José Luis Marín Fuentes, Universidad de Antioquia

Abogado de la Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista y magister en Derecho internacional privado. Profesor en las áreas de Contratos Internacionales y Derecho Internacional Privado en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas.



How to Cite

Marín Fuentes, J. L. (2007). Analysis of the Colombian legal system about the foreign commercial societies with reference to private international law. Estudios De Derecho, 64(143), 207–238.