Location on International standards of economic content in the Colombian legal system: doctrinaire analysis
moderate monism, relationship international and domestic law, prevalence, international economic lawAbstract
After 1994, year of the conclusion of the constitutive treaty of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Colombia has signed many international treaties of economic content – trade liberalization, regional integration, investment protection, double taxation, just to mention some issues-. Given the proliferation of international treaties of an economic nature it is possible that a conflict between its provisions and those of their international instruments ratified by Colombia, may take place, or between them and the Colombian internal rules, so it is necessary to determine what should prevail in case of collision. In this article the position of the Colombian Constitutional Court and some national indoctrinators address this issue is discussed, concluding that the country has adopted the thesis of “moderate monism” to explain the relationship between international norms and norms of domestic law
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