Democratic liberal bourgeois state, stage to collect inspired principles of the civil and mercantile codifications


  • Mauricio Andrés Parra Cruz Universidad de Antioquia



Democratic Liberal Bourgeois State, fundamental principles that consolidate this form of State, ideal values of the civil and mercantile legislation, real- estate and furniture, preservation and mobility of the wealth, economic model of capitalist product


This written pretends, since a contextual point of view, to investigate for ideal inspirational reasons of the civil and mercantile codifications in the marc of the Democratic Liberal Bourgeois Rule of Law, because it is considered that in this historic moment these institutions are recomposed about their principles and values, which, to effects to make possible that the State is based on economic, they adopt a utilitarian appearance that in satisfies the interests of the social classes in growing to the power.

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Author Biography

Mauricio Andrés Parra Cruz, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science


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How to Cite

Parra Cruz, M. A. (2010). Democratic liberal bourgeois state, stage to collect inspired principles of the civil and mercantile codifications. Estudios De Derecho, 67(150), 176–189.