The construction of the categorical system in research: Methodological clues from a public policy study




categorical system, research, interorganizational relationships, social functions of law, public policy of forced displacement


This article aims at making a contribution to the reflection on how to build categorical systems, while providing some methodological clues to carry out this task, which enables and guides the coherent and consistent development, but at the same time flexible, open and emerging, of research into political, social and legal phenomena. This objective is conducted based on the methodological report about the construction of the categorical system of research on interorganizational relationships and social functions of law in a public policy of forced displacement. It begins then with a synthetic construct of a definition of the categorical system and its importance, in order to subsequently exemplifying the construction of a categorical system in four phases of the research cycle. It finishes with some conclusions that invite to keep thinking on the relevance of this essential element of the research, in order to disseminate knowledge on how to build the methodological route of research in both the social and human sciences, as well as to generate educational materials for students, postgraduate students and researchers.

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Author Biography

Jonathan Alejandro Murcia, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
Investigador asociado al Grupo de Investigación Estudios Políticos del Instituto de Estudios Políticos de la
misma universidad. Politólogo, Magíster en Derecho.


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Digital Express.



How to Cite

Murcia, J. A. (2017). The construction of the categorical system in research: Methodological clues from a public policy study. Estudios De Derecho, 74(163), 75–106.