The most personal rights. Disposition acts of the own body: four different questions about its existence


  • María del Carmen Carutti Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja



the most personal rights, types of existence


The disposition acts of the own body are located in the so-called most personal rights and they protect the physical manifestations of the person enveloping the attributions that men have over his own life, his physical integrity, and his mortal remainses. Themes as abortion, surgeries, euthanasia, ablation and organ implants, attended fertilization; constitute the broad fíeld of physical integrity. About each ofthose it considers a series of questions, which appears as attributions limitations. The main and high priority question consists of formulating a question of ontological character, that is, to talk about the existence ofthe socalled most personal rights, where are located the disposition acts of the own body. That's why in this opportunity; acts in individual are not approached but the differences between different types of existence, in order to avoid conceptual confusions.

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How to Cite

del Carmen Carutti, M. (2006). The most personal rights. Disposition acts of the own body: four different questions about its existence. Estudios De Derecho, 63(142), 211–218.