Corruption and transparency of public administrations: an empirical study in peace territories in Colombia
transparency, public administrations, corruptionAbstract
The study shows the relationship between corruption and transparency in the public administrations of the departments that host peace territories in Colombia, defined in the framework of the National Policy of Consolidation and Territorial Reconstruction and the Peace Agreements between the national government and the FARC-EP. The paper assesses whether there has been influence of corruption in the proactive disclosure of information from public administrations to society. To this end, an index of transparency (IT) was designed and linked to the number of corruption cases that affect the 17 departments in which these territories are located. The relationship is studied from the theory of agency, which explains the link between principal (citizens) and agent (State) and the problems of information asymmetries that occur between them. The existence and access to public information can serve as a way to bring the principal and the agent closer together, mitigating the discretion of the latter and enabling control by the former. The results indicate average levels of transparency and the existence of an inverse relationship with corruption, which reaffirms that the greater the corruption, the less transparency.
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