The Security after the war: new security referents for the post-peace agreement in Colombia
Peace Agreements, Security, Doctrine of national security, human security.Abstract
The Habana peace agreements present a modern and qualitatively new vision of security. Specifically, they refer to human security as a right of society. However, the notion of security is not univocal. In Colombia, the classic vision of security reflected in the National Security Doctrine has persisted. This article analyzes this doctrine and argues the need to move to other security paradigms, such as human security, as a prerequisite for the construction of peace. In the first place, an approach to the conceptualization of security is made. Subsequently, the main characteristics of the National Security Doctrine are described, evidencing its historical evolution and the imperative of its abandonment. This allows, finally, to highlight the importance of the conception of human security established in the peace agreements.
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