Aspects of the federal system in Antioquia


  • Ricardo Zuluaga Gil Pontifica Universidad Javeriana de Cali



Federalism in Colombia, State of Antioquia, federalism in Antiquia, United States of Colombia


This document is an approximation to the complex institutional politic development of the State of Antioquia throughout its almost 30 years of existence. During that time was consolidated a Conservative politic project, which motivated in the Catholic Church and managed by Pedro Justo Berrío, became the incentive of the future industrial development of Antioquia. The article shows the profound politics and institutional contradiction that were confronted in the country during that years, and that finally ended with such model of State.

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Author Biography

Ricardo Zuluaga Gil, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana de Cali

Abogado, especialista en Derecho Administrativo (UPB - Medellín) y en Derecho Constitucional y Ciencia Política (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales - Madrid), Doctor en Derecho Universidad de Salamanca. Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Ciencia Jurídica y Política de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali. Director de la Revista Criterio Jurídico (Indexada C en Colciencias) y líder del Grupos de Investigación Democracia, Estado e Integración Social (DEIS - Categoría B Colciencias).



How to Cite

Zuluaga Gil, R. (2009). Aspects of the federal system in Antioquia. Estudios De Derecho, 66(148), 229–250.