From the concept of youth to those of youths and youthful


  • María Eugenia Villa Sepúlveda University of Antioquia


Youthful condition, youth, domination, subjection, social moratorium, cross-generational relations, social power relations.


This article reviews part of the literature that has intended to define the concept ofyouth. This revision diverges from a kind of transcultural analysis, carried out in the field of social anthropology, that define the term “youth” from the perspective of the westernized world, constructing a reflection on all the societies as a whole, with the parameters with which the West has perceived youth. This revision of the theoretical production, on the contrary, approaches the socio-historical discourse that defines youth in a contextualized manner, by referring to specific societies and to the historical times in which they evolve.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Villa Sepúlveda, University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Villa Sepúlveda, M. E. (2012). From the concept of youth to those of youths and youthful. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(60), 147–157. Retrieved from