Teachers’ expectations concerning ICTs and education in the visual arts. Analysis of a course taught to Valencian teachers


  • Ricard Huerta University of Valencia
  • Ricardo Domínguez University of Valencia


art education, teachers training, Information and Comunication, Technologies ICTs, online education, cultural and artistic competences, assessment in artistic education


Based on a classroom online experience, this research project approaches the motivations and expectations of teachers in relation to Art Education with ICT support. We are interested in knowing what teachers expect from the use of technologies as an education tool in the classroom, especially concerning the acquisition of competences. We encourage the incorporation of ICTs to the permanent training as an important element. We decided to interview and observe students in their first online course offered by a lifelong Training Teachers’ Center of Valencia. For data selection, we used a qualitative methodology, based on Hubard (2008) works and indications. Marcellán (2010) and Hernández (2010) provided the aspects referred to the incorporation of media images and the possibilities of Art Education. We approach visual culture as a paradigm. The results have reinforced some previous ideas, providing additional aspects that need to be assessed in order to put together new educational plans for training teachers in ICTs and visual arts.

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Author Biographies

Ricard Huerta, University of Valencia

Director of the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations, University of Valencia, Spain.

Ricardo Domínguez, University of Valencia

Professor of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Body Expression, University of Valencia, Spain


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How to Cite

Huerta, R., & Domínguez, R. . (2019). Teachers’ expectations concerning ICTs and education in the visual arts. Analysis of a course taught to Valencian teachers. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 26(67-68), 114–127. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistaeyp/article/view/340174


