Semiotic representations and conceptual evolution of science teaching and math
Representation, conceptual shift, teaching of mathAbstract
It presents a conceptualization that articulates the concept representation, seen from philosophy and cognitive sciences, with the notion of conceptual shift. It is highlighted the importance of orienting the processes of teaching from a multimodal perspective in which the construction of different representations by students and before which the teachers act in an intentioned and conscious way in their teaching processes, is propitiated.
How to reference this article:
Tamayo Alzate, Óscar Eugenio, "Representaciones semióticas y evolución conceptual en la enseñanza de las ciencias y las matemáticas", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XVIII, núm. 45, (mayo-agosto), 2006, pp. 37-49.
Received: april 2006
Accepted: june 2006
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