The other special education. Remembrance of a pedagogical journey


  • Ángela Roll University of Antioquia
  • Carolina Ortíz University of Antioquia
  • Diana Carolina Osorio University of Antioquia
  • Diana Teresa Vera University of Antioquia
  • Dora Emilse Zuluaga University of Antioquia
  • Isabel Cristina Salazar University of Antioquia
  • Mónica Botero University of Antioquia
  • Yennifer Ramírez University of Antioquia


Other special education, pedagogical experience, interculturality, diversity, indigenous education.


The recurring question about the multiple forms of relationships among human beings led us to understand that education—particularly special education, as our realm and discourse—has brought about some forms of ignoring the others. This does not happen only in external environments, such as streets,

the family and the society at large, but also inside the school and its practices, which perpetuate this  situation, thus providing education with particular homogenizing and excluding ends, and leading to discourses in which diversity and plurality appear as part of an ambiguous discussion: As theories that introduce otherness as a humanistic and un-victimizing reasoning, or as a reality that confronts and questions us about what we don´t want to be. It is therefore amid the question for education, for the others and ourselves, and for our pedagogical practices, that reflections, histories, relationships, individuals, and differences sprung from the undergraduate dissertation “Challenges and perspectives of the encounter of indigenous education and special education: Intercultural narratives?” This work summoned us to think, tell, and live such event in this article, where we share our educative experience from the conceptualization about special education and the contact with different indigenous education contexts, which revealed to us possible responses that make our being future teachers much more meaningful, by living, thinking and feeling other special education


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Author Biographies

Ángela Roll, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Carolina Ortíz, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Diana Carolina Osorio, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Diana Teresa Vera, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Dora Emilse Zuluaga, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Isabel Cristina Salazar, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Mónica Botero, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia

Yennifer Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Special Education undergraduate students from the University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Roll, Ángela, Ortíz, C., Osorio, D. C., Vera, D. T., Zuluaga, D. E., Salazar, I. C., Botero, M., & Ramírez, Y. (2011). The other special education. Remembrance of a pedagogical journey. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 22(58), 153–164. Retrieved from