Neoliberal governmentality: Implications for education
Governmentality, shepherd, population, liberalism, neoliberalism, modernity, modern school, Foucaultian studies.Abstract
Some of the new educational practices are taking place both inside and outside the school, and their operation is being directed towards the production of new subjectivities and the establishment of some kind of relation with the “government of men”. Thus, the purpose of this text is to explore some of the possibilities of Michel Foucault’s thinking for the analysis and understanding of current schools, by examining the changes that are taking place now, either in and with the educative practices, or within the relations between in-school education and those new and odd configurations being incorporated by the contemporary world. All this is understood within the wide range of new forms that governmentality seems to be assuming in the latest decades. Eventually, the objective is to contribute to the understanding of the role of education in the transformations of the current world.
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