Reflections for the foundation of the intervention in University Well-being, from the look of Social Work
theoretical-methodological foundation, University Well-being, Social Work, Social area, professional interventionAbstract
The article presents a reflection of the experience of Professional Practice the II and III of Social Work in University Well-being, Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de Antioquia. One proposes a route theoretical-methodological, sustained from the social area, that bases the professional intervention on the dependence and articulates for the attainment of the aims the diverse disciplines that come together there. There is located first an approach that prioritizes the rights that have the subjects to accede to certain benefits, then one presents a categorization that establishes an integral analysis of the subjects and problematic that request intervention on the part of University Well-being; it concludes with methodological limits that will allow to orientate the actions of participative form and having in it counts the perceptions and offers that have the subjects to solve his difficulties.
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