Popular Schools for Gender Training in Sierra: a revisited experience


  • Julia Irene Gómez Instituto de Culturas Aborígenes (ICA)
  • Valentina Tomasini Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


Gender, Formation, Popular education


This work has the objective of systematizing and reflecting on an experience of implementation of the Program “Popular Schools for Gender Training” in the town of Unquillo, Córdoba, Argentina in 2018. First, territory and public policy are contextualized. Then the previous work of organization of the project is developed, until its implementation. Describing the composition of the team, the institutional articulations, the call and each one of the workshops. Towards the end, the challenges and learnings that were made possible from the experience are presented. Also in the achievements that the project provided, carrying out an evaluation on the fulfillment of the proposed objectives. Some central concepts that were worked on and others that could have been deepened as a self-criticism are presented. In the final reflections, the relevance of this experience and the lessons learned are raised.

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Author Biographies

Julia Irene Gómez, Instituto de Culturas Aborígenes (ICA)

Professor of History and Anthropology, Institute of Aboriginal Cultures (ICA). Doctoral candidate in Gender Studies (CEA) Center for Advanced Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (FCS-UNC). Teacher at middle and high school level juliairenejulia@gmail.com

Valentina Tomasini, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Degree in Social Work FCS- UNC. Master in Social Psychology, School of Psychology - National University of Tucumán. Teacher and researcher at the FCS- UNC. Professor and Director of the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Human Sciences, National University of Río Cuarto. E-mail: valentinatoma1977@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Gómez, J., & Tomasini, V. (2022). Popular Schools for Gender Training in Sierra: a revisited experience. Revista Trabajo Social, 2(33-34), 173–196. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistraso/article/view/352247