Strengthening of parental relationships and the restoration of rights to underage migrants, to contribute to the improvement of the perceived quality of life
Quality of life, Emotional well-being, MigrationAbstract
This project addresses the problems of a group of families affected by social phenomena such as migration, return and forced displacement, very present in the Colombian territory and more specifically in Norte de Santander, which has caused the violation of rights, especially in the Boys, Girls and Adolescents (NNA) belonging to these families. The population selected for this research corresponds to 29 men and women parents and/or caregivers of a group of minors in the municipality of Los Patios. The purpose is to mitigate the effects of the problems faced by the families of children and adolescents, based on a psychosocial intervention that generates actions aimed at improving the perceived quality of life, positive parental relationships and the restoration of rights in minors. belonging to the Learning Acceleration program, through parent schools; the baseline on which the parenting school was developed was the quality of life, for which issues such as emotional well being and interpersonal relationships were addressed, achieving with the participants the recognition of self esteem, as well as a positive self-concept to change the perception of their quality of life, in the same way conflict resolution alternatives were identified, oriented towards communication that strengthens positive parental relationships. Finally, with the execution of the psychosocial process, it is possible to provide parents with resources and psychological alternatives to apply with their children, being guides in their development process.
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