
  • Miguel Ángel Montoya Sánchez University of Antioquia


mediation, counseling, mediation transformational, role of mediator, role of therapist


The present work summarizes what some authors in the context of the conflict in family therapy, mean by mediation and therapy and addresses the argument that these two forms of assistance were now on whether they are as different as not could beused concurrently or subsequently, or that one does not diminish the other and may assume a complementary or subsidiary.The rescues written treatment effects of family conflict, the approach known as Transformative mediation, which, in obedience to their objectives: the empowerment and recognition, assumes that even in this view, what matters in the treatment of Conflict is the person himself and the possibility of its transformation, and understands that therapy and mediation are at an equal level of importance where, for nothing prevents that the same process is applied one way or another or one after another. Besides some personal considerations on the subject of the author, in concluding remarks, the paper points out some features of the role of facilitator, mediator or therapist, and note the importance of such an auditor from exercising its full knowledge task in areas such as neutrality, power, authority and direction of the process.

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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Montoya Sánchez, University of Antioquia

Lawyer, Specialist in Family Law and Master in Law, Universidad de Antioquia. Professor and member of the Law and Society Research Group, School of Law and Political Sciences, Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Montoya Sánchez, M. Ángel. (2010). MEDIATION AND THERAPYOR HOW TO DEAL COMPREHENSIVELY FAMILY CONFLICT. Revista Trabajo Social, (9), 1–19. Retrieved from


