Design of a knowledge management model for the Inter-American School of Library Science


  • Guillermo Correa Uribe University of Antioquia
  • Sonia Lucia Rosero Jiménez Universitario Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Herlaynne Segura Jiménez University of Antioquia



knowledge management, knowledge management model, organizational learning, EscuelaInteramericana de Bibliotecología, Universidad de Antioquia


Based on the outcome of the research "Diseño y estructura de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento para la Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología (EIB) at the Universidad de Antioquia, this article shows the design of a knowledge management model and the processes carried out to its realization. The general purpose of the abovementioned research was to design the structure of a model of knowledge management for the EIB. It was a qualitative and applied research. This model has been defined from the checking of theory against specific conditions of the object of study (its characteristics and requirements), as well as the implementation of several techniques, namely: field observation, inquiry application, and documental analysis. For the theoretical frame, the concepts of knowledge and knowledge management were analyzed. INTELEC was the model used in this research. It allows identifying and structuring, in a relational form, the knowledge of people, their capabilities, skills and talent; the recognition of the university, academic community, and society; the quality and intensity of relationships kept with people and institutions, as well as the own knowledge of EIB for carrying out its administrative processes in the fields of university teaching, research and extension.
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Author Biographies

Guillermo Correa Uribe, University of Antioquia

Principal investigator. Business administrator, Information Systems Specialist. Professor Inter-American School of Library Science, University of Antioquia

Sonia Lucia Rosero Jiménez, Universitario Tecnológico de Antioquia

Co-investigator. Librarian. Specialist in Project Management and Evaluation. Professor of the Technological University Institute of Antioquia

Herlaynne Segura Jiménez, University of Antioquia

Co-investigator. Social communicator-journalist. Master in Digital Communication. Professor Faculty of Communications, University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Correa Uribe, G., Rosero Jiménez, S. L., & Segura Jiménez, H. (2009). Design of a knowledge management model for the Inter-American School of Library Science. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 31(1), 85–108.




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