Evolution, trends and research perspectives in archives: considerations on the scientific configuration of archival science
archivistic, archives, archivistic research, state of the artAbstract
Research in archivistics and archives, its development and contents have been characterized by diverse interests and dynamics according to the various fields and time periods. This paper covers the first phase of the research project State of the art in archvistics and archives: Latin America 2000- 2009, which had as objective to identify research trends and to delimit thematic areas of study on the basis of representative references in topics related to archivistics and archives. In the first place, some general ideas about the project, its objectives, methodology and state of the art approaches are presented, to then, make a a theoretical and conceptual approach on each of the research topics. Already since some decades ago, with the use and impact of the new technologies in archive work, the latter have gained in importance, for their great import in the reconstruction of collective memory, because of the guarantee they mean to the citizen rights and for the transparency that they demand from the public and private sector; also in the recovery of the documentary heritage, the evolution of the administrative trends in internal and quality control and, its incorporation into the educational field at the professional level.
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