From understanding to "putting it well" (Bien-dire): a comparative study on ethics between Spinoza and Lacan


  • Clara Cecilia Mesa Duque University of Antioquia



ethics, desire, freedom-servitude, understanding -“putting it well”


This research is a dialog between two thinkings: Baruch Spinoza's and Jacques Lacan's, the latter being undoubtedly a follower of Freud's thinking. The central topic of this dialog is the postulate around which both base their ethics: desire as human essence. Tracing each of their conceptions there are noteworthy points of refer ence, which do not mean nor imply that these are identical.
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Author Biography

Clara Cecilia Mesa Duque, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Psychologist, University of San Buenaventura. Specialist in children with an emphasis in psychoanalysis, University of Antioquia. Doctor of Philosophy, Pontifical Bolivarian University. Professor of the Department of Psychoanalysis, University of Antioquia. AME of the Forums of the International School of the Lacanian Field.


García del Campo,J.P.(2008) Spinoza o la libertad. Barcelona, España: Montesinos.

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Lacan,J. (2010-2012) Acta de fundación.En Textos instituyentes.Directorio Edición de Foros del Campo Lacaniano.

Lacan,J. (171) La dirección de la cura y los principios de su poder. En Tomás Segovia(Trad.)Escritos 1.Buenos Aires, Argentina: siglo veintiuno editores.

Lacan,J. (1977)Seminario libro 11, Los cuatro principios fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Barcelona, Espa-ña: Paidós.

Lacan,J. (184)El Atolondrado.El atolondradicho o las vueltas dichas. En Escansión 1. Publicación psicoa-nalítica(pp. 15-72). Buenos Aires, Argentina:Paidós.

Lacan,J. (1977-78)Momento de concluir. Inédito. París, Francia. Recuperado de Folio Views4.2.

Misrahi, R. (175) Spinoza. Francisco López Castro(trad.)Madrid, España: EDAF.

Spinoza, B.(195) Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico. Traducción, introducción y notas de Vidal Peña. Madrid, España: Alianza.

Spinoza, B.Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento. Lelio Fernández y Jean Paul Margot(Trads.)Madrid, España: Tecnos, 1989.



How to Cite

Mesa Duque, C. C. (2012). From understanding to "putting it well" (Bien-dire): a comparative study on ethics between Spinoza and Lacan. Affectio Societatis, 9(17), 1–19.

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