Acting out and passage to the act. Towards an ethics of the suicidal act


  • Raúl Jiménez Betancourt University of Veracruz
  • Ricardo García Valdez University of Veracruz



acting out, passage to the act, act suicide, ethics


This paper is the result of a doctoral research on suicide in a journey that goes from Freud to Lacan, following the common thread of a question that does not presuppose the desire to live as natural. From the review and articulation of three concepts (acting out, passage to the act, and act) in Lacan's teaching, it makes a proposal divergent from the moral and psychopathologizing mantle that extends –even sometimes within psychoanalysis itself– over suicide. The limits of classification are crossed in order to unfold the surface towards and ethics of the suicidal act.

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Author Biographies

Raúl Jiménez Betancourt, University of Veracruz

Psychoanalyst. Mtro. in Psychoanalysis and culture from the Escuela Libre de Psicología. Graduated from the doctorate in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana. Founding member of the Acto Analytical collective. Doctoral stay at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Ricardo García Valdez, University of Veracruz

Psychoanalyst. Doctor in Social Sciences. Researcher and Director of the Institute of Psychological Research of the University of Veracruz. Director of the Electronic Psychoanalytic Magazine of the University of Veracruz.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Betancourt, R., & García Valdez, R. (2021). Acting out and passage to the act. Towards an ethics of the suicidal act. Affectio Societatis, 18(34), 1–25.