Diversity is not perversity

a psychoanalytic approach to contemporary sexualities


  • Affectio Societatis Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan Manuel Uribe Cano University of Antioquia




biology, lack, diversity, identity, sexuality, female, male, phallic One, Other sex


This paper explores the foundations of psychoanalytic knowledge in its genesis and the question of the human essence: the recognition of a sexual body and a sexual psyche. On the other hand, it addresses the relationship between human identity and sexuality, the drive, its objects, and the diversity of the "perversity" of human sexuality due to the introduction and fall of the signifier in the body. Finally, it proposes a review of anatomy and the biological destiny of bodies to argue that, when it comes to sexuality and Eros, concerning jouissance, there is a scenario in the unconscious which will henceforth be a
question of the psychoanalytic theory and praxis.

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Author Biographies

Affectio Societatis, Universidad de Antioquia

57 (604) 2195770

Juan Manuel Uribe Cano, University of Antioquia

Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Magister en Ciencias Sociales y Filósofo, Universidad de Antioquia. Investigador y profesor del Departamento de Psicoanálisis de la Universidad de Antioquia. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Psicoanálisis, Sujeto y Sociedad.


Lacan, J. (2012). Otros escritos. Buenos Aires: Argentina. Editorial Paidós. p. 492.



How to Cite

Affectio Societatis, & Uribe Cano, J. M. (2023). Diversity is not perversity: a psychoanalytic approach to contemporary sexualities. Affectio Societatis, 20(38), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.v20n38a12



Dossier "Sexual diversity approached from psychoanalysis"