The mourn, the writing


  • Belén del Rocío Moreno Cardozo National University of Colombia



loss, death, mourn, writing


Every human life is subject to a manifold and permanent experience of loss, and so ends up constituted by a system of mourning. The personal effect of such events may be faced in different ways. When coming up against a mourn, the whole symbolic system is called into action to enclose the void produced by absence. However, there is also a persistent collapse of words when attempting to name what is takenaway by the dead person absence. So, what would be the role of writing against these afflictions? After putting forward some remarks on both subjective and social conditions of mourn, I will suggest a way by which writing and mourn may be bonded together.

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Author Biography

Belén del Rocío Moreno Cardozo, National University of Colombia

Psychoanalyst. Psychologist from the National University. Clinical specialist from the University of The Andes. Master in Hispanic American Literature from the Caro y Cuervo Institute. Member of Analítica, Bogotá Psychoanalysis Association. Professor at the National University of Colombia (Bogotá headquarters), attached to the School of Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture. Researcher of the Psychoanalysis and Culture group, in the line "Aesthetics, creation and sublimation".


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How to Cite

Moreno Cardozo, B. del R. (2011). The mourn, the writing. Affectio Societatis, 8(14), 1–12.



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