Art education and educational policies: minimization, deterritorialization and instrumentalization


  • Bernardo Barragán Castrillón University of Antioquia


Education policy, arts education, government, minimization, desterritorialization, instrumentation


This project relates educational policies to the processes of subjectivation, understood as modifying actions of oneself and of others, to see how they occur in artistic education and in what way they produce government actions, the latter understood as the relationship between knowledge and power through the rules and methods of reason itself. The analysis is carried out from the concepts of deterritorialization, minimization and instrumentalization
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Author Biography

Bernardo Barragán Castrillón, University of Antioquia

Graduated in philosophy and letters from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, specialist in the development of thought and creativity from the Universidad de Antioquia, master's degree in education and a doctoral candidate in the history of pedagogy and education, Universidad de Antioquia. He works as a professor at the Faculties of Arts and Education at the same university. He is a member of the research group Educational Studies in Cognition, Childhood and Society. Among his most recent publications in scientific journals are the articles: Teaching at the university: interdisciplinarity, academic culture and experience, published in Uni-pluri / versidad (Medellín)



How to Cite

Barragán Castrillón, B. (2015). Art education and educational policies: minimization, deterritorialization and instrumentalization. Artes La Revista, 10(17), 120–139. Retrieved from



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