Ordinary crisis: cancer care, tutelas and the outsourcing of ethics in neoliberal Colombia


  • Camilo Sanz University of Indianapolis



Palabras clave:

cancer, crisis, health insurance companies, tutela, Colombia, neoliberalism


In this paper I analyze how EPSs financial innerworkings and the massive use of tutela have transformed the national health care crisis into a protracted and ordinary event in neoliberal Colombia. To do so, I build on ethnographic research conducted during 2011-2012 with low-income cancer patients, physicians and EPS’s representatives in the city of Cali. I argue that “anti-crisis” mechanisms such as tutela have paradoxically created the financial and ethical conditions that allow EPSs to systematically delay the provision of “high-cost’” treatments.

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Biografía del autor/a

Camilo Sanz, University of Indianapolis

Assistant teacher. Anthropology PhD. University of Indianapolis. Department of Anthropology. 


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Cómo citar

Sanz, C. (2021). Ordinary crisis: cancer care, tutelas and the outsourcing of ethics in neoliberal Colombia. Boletín De Antropología, 36(61), 93–117. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.boan.v36n61a07