Identification, measurement and valuation of human capital based on the Skandia model: its application in a NICU
Intellectual capital, human capital, Skandia modelAbstract
This study shows the importance of human capital in organizational management and, within this framework, identifies, measures and values it through the application of the Skandia model in a neonatal intensive care unit-NICU-. The analysis is developed under a mixed, in-depth applied methodology. A descriptive analysis was conducted to recognize the significance of intangibles and thereby identify the main aspects of the Skandia model applicable in the valuation of human capital. Following the model approaches, different methodological designs from previous publications were reviewed and adjusted to construct the indices. It is concluded that the navigator’s adaptability facilitates its use in all types of organizations and contributes to comprehensive management processes with noticeable outcomes over the medium and long term, allowing management to monitor and take timely action when required. By using the Skandia model navigator, it was possible to identify potential for improvement in the NICU’s personnel recognition and hiring modalities.
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