Type of motor task. Comprehensive bet for the methodologic design in the class of physical education from the model new school
New school, Physical education, didactic strategy, motor tasksAbstract
This project focuses on understanding the key dynamics that emerge from the staging of the PE in rural schools from the New School's educational model, and since they recognize the main methodological characteristics to consider for its methodological design. This will set out the approach proposed by Murcia Complementarity and Jaramillo (2008) as possible take PE as a phenomenon which required a comprehensive approach to the underlying dynamics of its staging. The study also adopted techniques such as participant observation, interviews, focus groups, document analysis to collect information, which was later processed with the aid of Atlas'Ti and analysis of information through the construction of axial and selective categories. This builds a comprehensive framework of the dynamics observed and from which it possible to identify the main methodological elements to consider in designing a proposal for the area of Physical Education from the New School model.
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