The selection of the thematics of instruction in the cultural curriculum of Physical Education


  • Marcos Neira García University of Sao Paulo



Curriculum, Culture, Themes of Teaching, Physical Education


The cultural curriculum of Physical Education examines the social markers present in bodily practices. The interest in knowing the procedures used by teachers that follow culturally oriented strategies, started from the perception that the way in which the topics to be worked out are chosen differs from other existing proposals (sport, psychomotor, motor development and health education).  The analysis of the practice stories from refe- rential contrast to cultural studies and critical multiculturalism has identified the joint with the School Educational Project; and the recog- nition and appreciation of the cultural heritage of the community as strategies for selection of educational topics

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Author Biography

Marcos Neira García, University of Sao Paulo

Post-Doctorate at the University of Minho and Post-Doctorate at the State University of Campinas (UNI-CAMP), Doctorate in Education, Master's in Education


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How to Cite

Neira García, M. (2013). The selection of the thematics of instruction in the cultural curriculum of Physical Education. Educación Física Y Deporte, 32(2), 1421–1430.



Research articles