Hematologic response to a Crossfit®-based high-intensity interval training (hit) session





exercise, resistance training, hematocrit, leukocytes


Aim: To evaluate the hematologic response to a CrossFit®-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. Method: Pre-experimental study involving nine men (25.4 ± 4.3 years). In this study, blood samples were taken before and after a HIIT training session of 15 minutes in the main phase. Hematological variables were analyzed through a blood count of fourth generation. Results: The obtained results showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in red blood cells (%Δ: -1.35; ES: 0,222), hemoglobin concentration (%Δ: -1,18; ES: 0,263), hematocrit percentage (%Δ: -1,72; ES: 0,448), Mean Corpuscular Volume (%Δ: -0,47; ES: 0,108), and lymphocyte (%Δ: -24,89; ES: 0,855), and eosinophils count (%Δ: -24,32; ES: 0,290) when comparing samples before and after the session. There were no significant changes in other parameters. Conclusion: It is necessary to go deeper in the study of hematological variables in the HIIT, in order to optimize performance parameters, decrease the prevalence of injuries, and improve nutrition and supplementation strategies.

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Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Petro, University of Córdoba

Master in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the University of Pamplona, ​​Colombia. Director of the Research Group in Physical Activity, Sports and Health Sciences. Full Time Teacher and Research Seed Coordinator, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences

Luis Idarraga, University of Córdoba

Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, University of Córdoba. Researcher Group in Physical Activity, Sports and Health Sciences

Ancizar Buriticá, University of Córdoba

Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports

Luis Eduardo Ramírez, Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Integral Management Specialist by the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid (Colombia). Academic Director, GROUP FIT Colombia. Professor of the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Faculty of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports.

Diego A. Bonilla, Francisco José de Caldas District University

International Master in Nutrition and Dietetics from the International Ibero-American University, Mexico. Researcher in Group in Sciences of Physical Activity, Sports and Health of the University of Córdoba, Colombia.  Researcher in the Research Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Petro, J. L., Idarraga, L., Buriticá, A., Ramírez, L. E., & Bonilla, D. A. (2017). Hematologic response to a Crossfit®-based high-intensity interval training (hit) session. Educación Física Y Deporte, 35(1), 43–62. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.v35n1a02



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