Transcranial Cognitive Enhancers for High-performance Athletes: A Perspective from the Sports Bioethics




high-performance athletes, sports bioethics, sports teachers in training, artificial cognitive enhancement, transcranial cognitive enhancers


This article makes a prospective assessment of the use of transcranial cognitive enhancers in high-performance athletes, from the perspective of sports bioethics. It is a qualitative study of documentary review and analysis. A survey was applied on their hypothetical promotion as therapy, artificial cognitive enhancement or well-being. The population surveyed was 171 students, between 17 and 26 years old, from the fifth semester or higher of a Colombian university. Among the findings, it is mentioned that cognitive enhancement shows advances in the medical field and at the sports level, but still incipiently. The interviewees preferred its therapeutic use and, to a lesser extent, for cognitive enhancement or well-being. It is concluded that there is a need to inform this community about the benefits and/or harms to achieve an adequate use. The effects of its management without medical supervision are unknown, but we infer that in the medium term it could lead to public health problems.

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Author Biography

Henry David Caro Romero, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Phd in Education. Professor at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Caro Romero, H. D. (2023). Transcranial Cognitive Enhancers for High-performance Athletes: A Perspective from the Sports Bioethics. Educación Física Y Deporte, 42(2), 1–30.



Research articles