Power, control and education bodies


  • Jenny Johanna Castro Ballén Minuto de Dios University
  • Juan Manuel Carreño Cardozo National Pedagogical University




Power, body, control, mass media, education


This study begins from a brief look to the course of the power up to the complex process of the domination at present and, afterwards, it assumes the topic of the control of the bodies, as it is proposed and made clear by Michael Foucault in the situation of the mass media and the education, generating possibilities of reflection as support of a pedagogic process of resistance sensitive to the control of the bodies.

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Author Biographies

Jenny Johanna Castro Ballén, Minuto de Dios University

Lic. Preschool Education, Mg. Education. National Pedagogical University. Teacher of the District Education Secretariat and Minuto de Dios University

Juan Manuel Carreño Cardozo, National Pedagogical University

Lic. Ed. Physics Specialist Social Research, National Pedagogical University. Professor of the Ministry of Education, Professor at the National Pedagogical University.


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How to Cite

Castro Ballén, J. J., & Carreño Cardozo, J. M. (2011). Power, control and education bodies. Educación Física Y Deporte, 29(2), 291–296. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.efyd.8504


