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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has yet to be published and is currently not being considered by another journal. Otherwise, please provide an explanation in the "Comments to editor" field.
  • The submission file is in one of the following file formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.
  • Wherever possible, referral URLs were provided.
  • Text is single-spaced, use 12-point font, use italics instead of underscores (except for URLs), and place all illustrations, figures, and tables in the appropriate places in the text instead of at the end.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guide for authors, which can be found in the "About the journal" section.

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines


Estudios de Literatura Colombiana is a peer-reviewed journal published for undergraduate and graduate students and researchers whose object of study is related to Colombian literature. The phenomenon we now understand as Colombian literature is comprised of several kinds of literature that are written and spoken in indigenous, African, and European languages. Estudios de Literatura Colombiana is published twice a year (January, July) by the Doctorado en Literatura and Maestría en Literatura at Universidad de Antioquia.

Types of contributions published by Estudios de Literatura Colombiana

The fundamental aim of the journal is to publish original and unpublished academic papers derived from research. Reflection articles, interviews, and reviews are also included. All contributions should deal with Colombian literature. Proposals for comparative studies are also accepted as long as the source is cited in the original language and the links between these other literatures and Colombian literature are established. Articles are accepted in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, and German. The journal also accepts studies that deal with indigenous literature written in their ancestral language and African literature in palenquero and raizal.

 Article Submission

This journal receives submissions on a rolling basis. They may  be uploaded through the preliminary register in the Open Journal System Platform ( Received articles (whose receipt does not guarantee publication) must be unpublished and may not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal. Article proposals will be submitted to the plagiarism detection software CrossCheck. Only one paper per author will be allowed. No author may publish in two consecutive issues of Estudios de Literatura Colombiana. Every submission must contain three files:

1)      Article: the author’s name should notbe included. The originals received will be considered as definitive to be printed.

2)      CV: author’s full name, ID, institutional affiliation, ORCID, email address, degree, title of the research project from which the paper is derived, research group, areas of research, current position, and most recent publications.

3)      The completed Declaración de responsabilidad y transferencia de derechos de autor (Author Statement of Responsibility and Copyright Release Agreement) form.

Cut-off dates

February 15th: papers will be reviewed for the July-December issue of the same year.

August 15th: papers will be reviewed for the January-June issue of the following year.

Evaluation process (papers)

1. Editorial board. Articles will be evaluated according to the following criteria: academic writing, relevance, originality, and investigative rigor. Authors whose paper is not approved will be notified via email.

2. Peer reviewers. The journal mainly works with external evaluators (outside of Universidad de Antioquia). Each text will be evaluated by double-blind peer review. Two experts in the field will have twenty days to issue its verdict. They may accept or reject the article (with or without modifications). The evaluations will be sent to the author via email. If the results of the reviews are radically opposed, assessment will be requested of a third evaluator.

3. Adjustments. Authors will have a ten-day period to submit the paper in accordance with the reviewers’ suggestions.

4. Editing. Once the article has been reviewed and adjusted, it will be subjected to a proofreading process. The editorial board may ask for additional editing.


Instructions to Authors

1. Format

- Format and length: Word file, letter size paper, 3.0 cm margins on all sides. Including abstract, references, and citations, length between 6000 and 8000 words.

- Text: Times New Roman 12-point font, justified, 1.5 line spacing, left indentation 1.2 cm on the first line with no spaces between paragraphs.

- Quotations of more than 40 words (and epigraphs): a separate paragraph without quotation marks, 10-point font size, justified, 1.0 line spacing, 1.2 cm left indentation. When omitting pieces of text, use ellipsis points within brackets [...]. Quotations and epigraphs must not exceed 10% of the text. Any quotation requires a comment indicating its relevance within the article. No works that simply copy and paste quotation after quotation will be accepted.

- Quotations of less than 40 words: regardless of language, they should be incorporated into the text using double quotation marks, indicating fragments elided with ellipsis points within brackets [...]. Use the following citation style:

1. With the author’s name before the quotation: author (year of publication of the cited source), “quote in double quotation marks” and (page number).

Contrario a lo planteado, Foucault (1992) propone que “el discurso no es simplemente aquello que traduce las luchas o sistemas de dominación, sino aquello por lo que, y en medio de lo cual se lucha, aquel poder del que quiere uno adueñarse” (p. 12).

2. Without the author’s name: “quote in double quotation marks” (author, year of publication, and page number).

Otros investigadores consideran que “el discurso no es simplemente aquello que traduce las luchas o sistemas de dominación, sino aquello por lo que, y en medio de lo cual se lucha, aquel poder del que quiere uno adueñarse” (Foucault, 1992, p. 12).

- Footnotes: 10-point font size, justified, 1.0 line spacing, 0.8 cm left indentation. Footnotes should be reserved for strengthening the approach, and excessive use should be avoided. Do not include references or quotations. Try to convey only one idea per footnote per page. If the footnote exceeds the regular length of a paragraph (15% of a page), consider incorporating it into the main text.

- Bold: only for titles and subtitles.

- Italics: titles of books, journals, films, TV programs, and microfilms.

- Double quotation marks: direct quotations (less than 40 words), titles of articles, book chapters, titles of stories and poems, ironic comments, jargon, and specific terms of an argot.


2. Structure

- Title: should clearly and concisely state the specific content of the article (book, author and theoretical aspects investigated). Avoid using abbreviations. It is recommended that the title not exceed one line.

- Abstract: (100 words maximum): should describe the topic, purpose of the article, theoretical framework, and main contributions to its field of knowledge.

- Keywords: up to five words and not exceeding one line. Avoid expressions that may make indexing difficult.

- Translation: title, abstract, and keywords must be translated into a second language.

- Epigraph: must be integrated into the argumentative development of the article.

- Presentation of the article: maximum one page. Do not repeat the summary.

- First section: 5 pages minimum.

- Second section: 5 pages minimum.

- Third section: 5 pages minimum.

- Conclusions: self-critical text (one page) pointing out the achievements and shortcomings of the research. Do not repeat what is stated in the summary and introduction. There is no need to include the word “conclusions.”

- Bibliography: the list of references must only include the works quoted in the article. It should be placed at the end of the article, consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, alphabetically organized, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, and with hanging indentations of 0.8 cm. All entries should include the author, disregarding repetition. Pieces by the same author must be chronologically organized. If there are quotations of works by the same author published in the same year, lower case letters must be placed next to the year (e.g., 2000, 2000b, 2000c), in order to differentiate the sources. Some examples of the most common references:


Book: Author, A. A (year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.

Rivas Polo, C. (2005). Revista Mito: vigencia de un legado intelectual. Medellín: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.

Book chapter: Author, A. A (year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.). Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Location: Publisher.

Weinberg, L. (2014). Crítica literaria y trabajo intelectual. En S. Vivas Hurtado (Coord.). Utopías móviles. Nuevos caminos para la Historia intelectual en América Latina (pp. 90-117). Bogotá: Diente de León – Universidad de Antioquia.

Journal article: Author, A. A (year). Title of article. Title of periodical volume (number), pp. xx-xx.

Acevedo, C. (2010). Eduardo Caballero Calderón: panorámica de su obra ensayística. Estudios de Literatura Colombiana 27, pp. 119-134.

Online journal article: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved from [d.m.y]

Alstrum, J. J. (1986). La poesía de Luis Carlos López y la tradición de la antiliteratura en las letras hispánicas. Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico 23(7). Disponible en


Journal article with DOI: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, pp. xx-xx. DOI:

López Mejía, A. (2015). Los personajes afrodescendientes en “Nabo, el negro que hizo esperar a los ángeles”. Estudios de Literatura Colombiana 37, pp. 15-27. DOI: 10.17533/udea.elc.n37a01.


Guidelines for Review and Interview submissions

1. Reviews

The review must be critical —not merely informative—and should cover recently published Colombian literary works or works of research on Colombian literature.

- Structure: Title of the reviewed work. Author, editor, translator, or compiler. Location: publisher, year, page numbers. The name, email address, and academic institution of the reviewer. It must have no footnotes or bibliography.

- Format: Word format, letter size paper, 3.0 margins on all sides.

- Text: Times New Roman 12-point font size, justified, 1.5 line spacing, 1.2 cm left indentation on the first line with no spaces between paragraphs.

- Length: 5 pages maximum.


 2. Interviews

Dialogues with living Colombian writers, researchers of Colombian literature, and editors of Colombian literature will be published. You may follow the traditional question and answer model or transcribe the interviewee’s words.

- Structure: title (with interviewee’s name), date and place of the interview (in a footnote). The name, email address, and academic institution of the interviewer.

- Format: Word format, letter size paper, 3.0 margins on all sides.

- Text: Times New Roman 12-point font size, justified, 1.5 line spacing, 1.2 cm left indentation on the first line with no spaces between paragraphs.

- Length: 5 pages maximum.

 Published authors will receive two copies of the journal. Each author is responsible for ideas (interpretations, approaches, and concepts) expressed in their work. These ideas do not represent the opinions of the Editorial Board or the Scientific Committee of Estudios de Literatura Colombiana. In general, the journal adheres to the editorial quality standards regulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The rights of reproduction and reprinting of articles published in the journal Estudios de Literatura Colombiana belong to the editor. Authors should wait six months and make a written request for permission to reproduce their published material to the Editorial Board.


This section covers between seven and ten original and unpublished academic articles with an extension of 15 to 18 pages related to Colombian literature. Reflection articles are also included. They can be written in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German. Each paper is subject to evaluation by peer review process. The journal receives collaborations on the web, through the preliminary registration of the authors on the Open Journal System platform. The articles can also be sent to the email


This section includes a conference that covers between seven and ten pages on some research topic related to Colombian literature. Although it can be spontaneously sent, normally for each edition the journal invites an investigator to send the conference, which is evaluated by the editorial team.


In this section an interview is published, between seven and ten pages in length, with a creator of the national letters, made by a researcher about the literatures of Colombia. The interviews are proposed by the researchers, and eventually they are sent by express journal request. Each interview is evaluated by the editorial team.


This section includes a maximum of three critical reviews, between three and four pages, on literary or academic works related to Colombian literatures, which are evaluated by the editorial team. Normally they are sent by the authors, and eventually they are requested by the journal.

Privacy Statement

Los datos personales facilitados por las autoras y los autores a esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por la misma, no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito y no se proporcionarán a terceros para su uso u otro propósito.