Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has yet to be published and is currently not being considered by another journal. Otherwise, please provide an explanation in the "Comments to editor" field.
- The submission file is in one of the following file formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.
- Wherever possible, referral URLs were provided.
- Text is single-spaced, use 12-point font, use italics instead of underscores (except for URLs), and place all illustrations, figures, and tables in the appropriate places in the text instead of at the end.
- The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guide for authors, which can be found in the "About the journal" section.
This section covers between seven and ten original and unpublished academic articles with an extension of 15 to 18 pages related to Colombian literature. Reflection articles are also included. They can be written in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German. Each paper is subject to evaluation by peer review process. The journal receives collaborations on the web, through the preliminary registration of the authors on the Open Journal System platform. The articles can also be sent to the email
This section includes a conference that covers between seven and ten pages on some research topic related to Colombian literature. Although it can be spontaneously sent, normally for each edition the journal invites an investigator to send the conference, which is evaluated by the editorial team.Interview
In this section an interview is published, between seven and ten pages in length, with a creator of the national letters, made by a researcher about the literatures of Colombia. The interviews are proposed by the researchers, and eventually they are sent by express journal request. Each interview is evaluated by the editorial team.Reviews
This section includes a maximum of three critical reviews, between three and four pages, on literary or academic works related to Colombian literatures, which are evaluated by the editorial team. Normally they are sent by the authors, and eventually they are requested by the journal.Privacy Statement
Los datos personales facilitados por las autoras y los autores a esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por la misma, no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito y no se proporcionarán a terceros para su uso u otro propósito.