The Concept of Romanticism in Colombian Literary Historiography
Curcio Altamar, Antonio, García Maffla, Jaime, Jiménez Panesso, David, literary studies, literary history, literary historiography, literary RomanticismAbstract
This paper offers a descriptive analysis of the treatment of Romanticism in three works of Colombian literature history: Evolución de la novela en Colombia (1952) by Antonio Curcio Altamar, Manual de literatura colombiana (1988) published by Procultura and Planeta, and Historia de la poesía colombiana (2001), edited by Casa de Poesía Silva. The study of these works allows establishing the logic implied in the different points of view of the authors when they approach the concept of Romanticism. Based on those results, an evaluation is accomplished in order to define if these uses of the concept are pertinent for the literary studies. This analysis is based on the idea that every history is a construction and therefore, it supposes an interpretation and the proposal of a model to represent a reality, in this case a reality that exists in the literary works produced in a certain period of time.
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