The Gabriel García Márquez’s Work Revised by Ángel Rama and the Reception of his Criticism in Colombia
García Márquez, Gabriel, Rama, Ángel, Colombian literary criticismAbstract
The goal of the first and second parts of this article is to present the critical work García Márquez: Edificación de un arte nacional y popular by Ángel Rama about Gabriel García Márquez work. This work was originally a lecture given by Rama at Universidad Veracruzana in 1972, which was published in 1985 by the magazine Texto Crítico. It was finally published by the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad de la República (Montevideo) in 1987. In Colombia, Rama’s work started to be known since 1991, when it was published by Cuadernos de la Gaceta (Instituto Colombiano de Cultura). For this reason, this article takes as reference the year 1991 in order to review (through books and magazines) the influence of Rama`s text in the study of García Márquez’ work in Colombia.
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