Truth and Performativity: The Ambiguous Personification in Fernando Vallejo




Fernando Vallejo, public, performance, discourse, representation


This article analyzes the relationship that exists between Fernando Vallejo's self-referential project and the representation of his public person. Through the analysis of his narrative and his critical discourse, it is stated that his project presents two features that have not been studied: an autobiographical narrative sustained on an unreliable narrator-character and the ambiguous identification with this character in his appearances and public records. It is suggested that this creative strategy operates as a critique of the truth effect that the writer produces on his reception in the media.

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How to Cite

Villacreses Benavides, X. (2020). Truth and Performativity: The Ambiguous Personification in Fernando Vallejo. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (48), 153–169.