Llorona of Water and Leprechaun of Air: The Chronotope in the Plural Narrative of two Colombian Legends





traditional Colombian literature, chronotope, legend, water, air


This article will analyze two legends collected in Susacón, Boyacá, in light of the concept of chronotope developed by Mikhail Bakhtin, in order to unveil some symbolic elements pertaining to the cultural construction of the human in the traditional literature of collective and oral roots. First, the story of La Llorona will be observed under different circumstances in which the presence of water is active. Then, the relationship between Leprechaun and air will be reviewed, having as central axis a popular story collected in several voices in which this character kidnaps a child.

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Author Biographies

José Inocencio Becerra Lagos, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Young researcher of the Language Trails, Student of the Master in Literature, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. Bachelor of Modern Languages: Spanish-English. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. The article is derived from living water research, living stories: narrative of the Lagunas and Rivers of Boyacá, UPTC (project of young researcher). Group and lines of research: Language trails. Traditional literatures and oral tradition.

Witton Becerra Mayorga, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Associate Professor Language School, Coordinator Master in Literature UPTC, Editor Magazine The Word. Master in Hispano-American Literature Caro and Cuervo Institute, Candidate of Doctor in Hispanic Studies from the University of Western Ontario Canada. The article is derived from living water research, living stories: narrative of the Lagunas and Rivers of Boyacá. Group and lines of research: Language trails. Traditional literatures and oral tradition.

CVLAC: http://scienti.colcias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizer/geneRarcurriculocv.do?cod_rh=0000840459


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How to Cite

Becerra Lagos, J. I., & Becerra Mayorga, W. (2021). Llorona of Water and Leprechaun of Air: The Chronotope in the Plural Narrative of two Colombian Legends. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (49), 137–153. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n49a08