Travel poetry in Colombia: García Aguilar, Cobo Borda and Luque Muñoz
travel poetry, colombian poetry, Eduardo García Aguilar, Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda, Henry Luque MuñozAbstract
Travel literature is often thought in terms of chronicles or novels. In this article, we showcase how poetry develops different possibilities around the concept of travel, for which we have chosen three Colombian poets. The axis of our analysis is based on the unstable balance between the objective contemplation of the visited place and the subjective interpretation of the observer. The poems by García Aguilar reflect on the act of traveling and revisit the theme of the “homo viator.” Cobo Borda starts with the description of the visited place to resignify it through mythology. Henry Luque Muñoz dissolves the reference to Russia into verses that construct a moral vision.
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