Nietzsche and his early Theoretical Critique to Schopenhauer’s philosophy




Will, Thing-in-itself, Metaphysics, Representation, Feeling


Between October 1867 and April 1868 Nietzsche writes a long note where he states a whole series of important objections to Schopenhauer’s philosophical system. These notes enjoy a significant importance due to the fact that, when approached from a wide perspective, they show the preoccupation that the young philosopher has to clarify at this early stage the conceptual horizon from which he takes his bearings; at the same time, from a more specific point of view, those notes enable us to follow up some of the initial elements that will motivate his further radical critique to Schopenhauer’s philosophy. This essay analyzes the different questions formulated by Nietzsche about the standardization of Will as a Thing-in-itself and the argumentation with which is defined its transition towards the representation level.

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Author Biography

John Fredy Ramírez Jaramillo, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación de Teoría e Historia del Arte en Colombia
Instituto de filosofía
Universidad de Antioquia
Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Ramírez Jaramillo, J. F. (2009). Nietzsche and his early Theoretical Critique to Schopenhauer’s philosophy. Estudios De Filosofía, (39), 267–289.



Reflection article
