Paul Valéry: the birth of the aesthetic and artistic world


  • John Fredy Ramírez Jaramillo Universidad de Antioquia



Paul Valéry, sensitivity, aesthetics, aesthetic pleasure, uselessness, art


In this paper I offer a study of the physiological and anthropological arguments through which Paul Valéry makes explicit the rise of an aesthetic and artistic dimension in man. To that end I present, first of all, the author's analysis on the phenomenon of sensitivity from which the aesthetic world takes its form. I then examine the relationship between the cognitive and emotional modulations that configure the experience of art. At the same time, I make explicit Valéry's theory according to which useless sensations and arbitrary acts are the origin of art. In correspondence with these arguments, I attempt to prove that for Valéry the experience of the aesthetic awakens in man a particular kind of desire that can never be entirely fulfilled. On the other hand, I demonstrate that Valéry's concept of the aesthetic infinite, through which he describes the value of artistic contemplation, is tied to a species of pleasure that favors in each consciousness a meaningful reinvention of the world. I also try to corroborate that Valéry's reflections on the birth of the aesthetic and the artistic phenomenons are supported by a deep and original knowledge of the sensitive and psychical nature of the human being.

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Author Biography

John Fredy Ramírez Jaramillo, Universidad de Antioquia

G.I. Teoría e Historia del Arte en Colombia, Departamento de Artes Visuales, Facultad de Artes Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia E–mail:


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How to Cite

Ramírez Jaramillo, J. F. (2015). Paul Valéry: the birth of the aesthetic and artistic world. Estudios De Filosofía, (51), 109–124.



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