The subject in the existential phenomenology of Jean Paul Sartre


  • Eduardo Álvarez González Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



subject, object, conscience, I, phenomenology


The present article examines the concept of “subject” in Jean Paul Sastre`s thought. This examination, due to historical and conceptual reasons, is based directly and indirectly in both Heidegger and Husserl`s philosophies (and on other`s as well). Husserl`s Philosophy is the main foundation, which alternates with Sartre`s Philosophy, it is most important for the present text. So, the said analysis of the concept of “subject” and its implications and its phenomenological conceptualizations, is made undergoing the study of various forms of conscience: the conscience of the object, referred to something other than itself, and the conscience of oneself, which at the same time, is said in two different ways, that is: 1. as a reflexed, and not reflexive, conscience and 2. As reflexive conscience. Thanks to this said distinction and analysis of concepts such as I, conscience and subject, Sastre becomes a critic of Modern Philosophy of the Subject and, as a consequence of it, with sartrean thought one reaches the conviction that conscience is the only real, and not mere I. Therefore, the husserlian treatment of conscience – which Sastre will come to share -, understood as a constant intentional activity, will become, necessarily, in the priority of the subject since the sense of the phenomena originates, ultimately, in the subject.

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Author Biography

Eduardo Álvarez González, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Madrid, España


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SARTRE Jean Paul. L’être et le néant. Essai d’ontologie phénomenologique, Paris, Gallimard, 1943.

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VERSTRAETEN, P. Sartre et Hegel. Les Temps Modernes, Paris, no 539, junio de 1991.

VERDÚ, Amparo Ariño.“El problema de la alteridad en “L’être et le néant” y los “Cahiers pour une morale”, en: ARAGÜÉS, Juan Manuel (coord.). Volver a Sartre. 50 años después de “El ser y la nada”. Mira Ed., Zaragoza, 1994.



How to Cite

Álvarez González, E. (2008). The subject in the existential phenomenology of Jean Paul Sartre. Estudios De Filosofía, (38), 9–45.



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