Fichte- G. H. Mead: the order of practical intersubjectivity


  • Carlos Emel Rendón Arroyave Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín



Self-awareness, inter-subjectivity, recognition, interaction, communication.


This paper conducts a comparative analysis of the fundamental concepts of “self-consciousness” of J. G. Fichte and G. H Mead. This analysis seeks to demonstrate that the two concepts converge in shaping an idea of the self-conscious subject in which the inter-subjective interaction is at the base of the condition of possibility of the “I” (Fichte) or “self” (Mead). This demonstration requires that the models of inter-subjectivity underlying the respective notions of self-awareness, represented, in the case of Fichte, in the theory of “exhortation” and, in Mead, on the theory of “role-taking” be made explicit. This analysis seeks to illustrate that both notions describe a practical idea of inter-subjectivity under the rules of meaning present both models, i.e., by the attitudes and behaviors that are required of subjects for any successful inter-subjective relationship. This semantic rule allows one to arrive at the ultimate meaning that both ideas of self-awareness encompass: that it is, for both thinkers, a phenomenon possible only by the social mediation that precedes it and in which it is originally immersed.

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Author Biography

Carlos Emel Rendón Arroyave, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín

Grupo de investigación “GIER”

Grupo interdisciplinario de estudios sobre el reconocimiento

Departamento de Estudios Filosófi cos y Culturales
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín
Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Rendón Arroyave, C. E. (2012). Fichte- G. H. Mead: the order of practical intersubjectivity. Estudios De Filosofía, (46), 89–112.



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