Review of Chrysippus' Stoic theory or fate




Fate, fatalism, determinism, Lazy Argument, co-fated events.


This paper is devoted to the Chrysippean revision of the stoic theory of fate. In order to do so, I will examine in the first place an objection directed toward this theory known as the Lazy Argument. According to this objection, if we claim that fate’s mechanism is always fatalistic, we would have to conclude that all our desires and efforts are meaningless. It will be suggested that Chrysippus developed his distinction between fated and cofated events in order to limit the fatalistic mechanism of fate to one group of events, and hence avoid this objection. Secondly, it will be shown how this proposal leads him to conceive a new theory of fate focused on the causal nexus of everything, which allows him to defend a conception of the world as a unity both in a synchronic and in a diachronic level.

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Author Biography

Laura Liliana Gómez Espíndola, Universidad del Valle

Departamento de Filosofía
Cali, Colombia


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How to Cite

Gómez Espíndola, L. L. (2013). Review of Chrysippus’ Stoic theory or fate. Estudios De Filosofía, (48), 129–149.



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