Michel Foucault and the grammar of Power and Freedom
Power, Freedom, Politics, ethics, Foucault.Abstract
This article asks, what the kind of conceptual relationship can be determined between the notion of power and the notion of freedom in Michel Foucault’s later work. The idea is to show that some of Foucault’s texts allow us to establish a speculative link between the two terms, understanding why they occur only in their mutual relationship and do not exist outside of it. This means, in turn, noting the limitations of those interpretations that either focus on the notion of power (biopolitics) or on the notion of freedom (aesthetics of existence). While the former leads to a too one-sided reading of the notion of power, the latter, however, disregards the political possibility that emerges from the concept of freedom. Therefore, a speculative reading that addresses both notions at once may be able to open a problematizing path to follow.
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