Bodies inhabited by the same flesh: anthropological implications of Michel Henry's theory of corporality


  • Jaime Llorente Cardo I.E.S.·C. de Calatrava



Henry, body, subjectivity, exteriority, anthropology


The present study tries to explain the anthropological assumptions implicitly contained in Michel
Henry´'s ontology of corporality and specifically in his theory concerning the possibility of a subjectively determined body. In order to achieve this, we examine previously four paradigms regarding the theory of corporality (to be specific, those proposed by Descartes, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger), highlighting their respective tacit implications on the essence of man. From this criticism addressed by Henry to these four models of reflection concerning the corporal, derives a unitary conception of the human phenomenon, as well as a rehabilitation of the ontological status of subjectivity.

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How to Cite

Llorente Cardo, J. (2016). Bodies inhabited by the same flesh: anthropological implications of Michel Henry’s theory of corporality. Estudios De Filosofía, (53), 103–125.



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